113年度大學入學學科能力測驗   第壹部分:單選題 一、詞彙第10題
David felt disappointed when he found out that he could not choose his study partners, but would be ______ placed in a study group.
1.(A) eligibly (B) randomly (C ) apparently (D) consequently

110年度大學入學學科能力測驗   第壹部分:單選題 一、詞彙第3題
Upon hearing its master’s call, the dog wagged its tail, and followed her out of the room _____.
2.(A) obediently (B) apparently (C ) logically (D) thoroughly

102年度大學入學學科能力測驗   第壹部分:單選題 一、詞彙第15題
Emma and Joe are looking for a live-in babysitter for their three-year-old twins,______ one who knows how to cook.
3.(A) initially (B) apparently (C ) preferably (D) considerably

99年度大學入學學科能力測驗   第壹部分:單選題 一、詞彙第11題
John has been scolded by his boss for over ten minutes now. _____, she is not happy about his being late again.
4.(A) Expressively (B) Apparently (C ) Immediately (D) Originally

97年度大學入學學科能力測驗   四、閱讀測驗第41~44題
Howler monkeys are named for the long loud cries, or howls, that they make every day. They are the loudest land animal and their howls can be heard three miles away through dense forests. Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory. Everyone starts and ends the day by howling to check out where their nearest competitors are. Interestingly, when there are few howler monkeys in an area, the howling routine takes on a different pattern. In Belize, where howler monkeys were newly reintroduced into a wildlife sanctuary, the howler monkeys were heard only a few times a week rather than every day.  Apparently, with plenty of space and no other howler monkeys around, there was no need to check on the whereabouts of their competitors. At the sanctuary, keepers now use recorded howler sounds from a distance so that the monkeys feel the need to make the territorial calls as they would do in the wild. In the future when the population grows, there will be no need for the recording because the howler monkeys will have more reason to check in with the neighbors to define their own territories.
5.Why do howler monkeys howl? (A) To claim their territory. (B) To check how popular they are. (C ) To tell others they are going to leave. (D) To show friendliness to their neighbors.
6.Why did the howler monkeys in Belize howl less often? (A) They lived too close to each other. (B) There was enough food for all of them. (C ) There were no other competitors around. (D) They were not used to the weather there.
7.Why do the keepers at the sanctuary use recorded howls? (A) To prevent the howler monkeys from getting homesick. (B) To help howler monkeys maintain their howling ability. (C ) To trick the monkeys into the belief that there is plenty of space around. (D) To teach the monkeys how to make the loudest cries to scare people away.
8.According to the passage, which of the following is true about howler monkeys? (A) They howl most often at noon. (B) They originally came from Belize. (C ) People can hear their howls three miles away. (D) Female monkeys howl to protect their babies.

89年度大學入學學科能力測驗   III、綜合測驗第36~40題
Last Tuesday I took my two nieces , aged three and five, to town in the car. It began to rain heavily so I decided     9    , while I rushed into shop. ?I told the girls I would be back in a few minutes and asked them not to touch anything. Then I locked all the doors and left. I was back at the car in less than five minutes     10    ! I could hardly believe my eyes. The car doors were still locked , the windows tightly shut, and on the back seat were their two jackets.     11    , I ran to the corner of the street but there was no sign of them, I rushed up to a couple of passer-by and asked in vain whether     12    . Feeling quite sick with fear, I sat on the driver’s seat, trying to stop trembling. Suddenly , behind me I heard a tapping noise and laughter. I jumped out of the car , ran round to open the trunk and there inside     13    . They had  apparently pulled out the back seat, crawled behind it, and then had not been able to push the seat forward again. I almost wept with relief.
9.(A) I would drive them home (B) I would take them with me (C ) I would leave the children in the car (D) I would stay in the car with the children
10.(A) and the girls were sitting there (B) and the girls had gone home (C ) but the girls were crying (D) but the girls had vanished
11.(A) In a panic (B) With delight (C ) out of sorrow (D) Filled with embarrassment
12.(A) they had seen my car (B) there was a shop nearby (C ) they had seen two small girls (D) there was a police station in the neighborhood
13.(A) were two scared and shivering (B) were two red-faced and excited children (C ) was one of the passers-by I had asked (D) was nothing at all